My Word for 2024

Audacity is defined as the willingness to take bold risks.

My hope and prayer for my life in 2024 is for more audacity.

The audacity to believe in what I cannot see.

The audacity to believe in the gifts and talents God has given me.

The audacity to walk into rooms and know with complete confidence that I belong….

My truth is that over the years, I’ve been in a perpetual state of starting over when it comes to certain ideas God has given me. While I believe in giving myself some grace, especially during hard seasons, I want to hold myself to a higher standard of discipline moving forward. I’ve experienced so many mental blocks over the years and one by one I’m I will overcome them this year. Frankly, I want to punch self-doubt and overthinking in the face. I can also admit that while I’ve accomplished a few things in life like writing three books, I have never truly showed up in a way that reflects bold faith. No more!

So how will I live with more audacity? How will I show up for myself in new ways? How will I manage to trust in God when my motivation waivers?

By intentionally giving God the space and the time to speak to me. By not shying away from addressing the mindsets that have never really served me well. By keeping my ear to God so that I move with wisdom. By reminding myself daily of who I am in Christ. By putting trust in God above anything else from one day to the next.

One thing I’m reminded of over and over again as of late is just how precious time is. Time won’t wait for things to be perfect. Time will slip through our hands if we let it.

Now is the time for me to bet on myself. Now is the time to trust the gifts God has given me. Now is the time to embrace being a beginner in certain lanes so that I can stretch my creativity and in the process share Christ. I believe when this year comes to an end, not only will I learn something about God but I may just learn some new things about myself as well.

If you are reading this, I hope and pray that the year ahead will stretch you. I pray that you would experience God in a new way. I hope this is a year of growth. I hope that on those really hard days that we we remember that God is faithful. On the days when nothing is going right, I pray that we would remember that God is constant through it all.

Do you have a word for 2024? I’d love to hear what it is and why you chose it.


Grieving the Past and Living in the Present


Growing and Grieving